I have a good friend who is going travelling for a year, and she is having the inevitable clear out and passing-on of bits and bobs she think various friends might appreciate! I was thus the grateful recipient of a book entitle 'How green are my wellies' by Anna Shepard, a kind of manual to greener living, but in a very unthreatening and amusing way.
I like to think of myself as a bit bothered about the world around me but far too often I'm too lazy... take right now for example, where I've left the radio on downstairs and I'm sitting upstairs.
Anyhoo, last night I got to the February chapter, although the fact it is in reality nearly February is more a coincidence than a plan, and the author told how she gave up buying new clothes for a year. I then and there spontaneously decided there was no earthly reason why I should not do the same!
I have lots of clothes, far too many in fact, but still feel the need to buy new regularly. It turns out there are many reasons I can use to support this plan; green reasons, ethical and moral reasons, financial reasons and also reasons of faith...
I am Rubbish about things like this so I am publicising it to the world so I have no excuse!
There are, however, rules... I am permitted in that time to buy brand new underwear, but will endeavour to ensure it is organic and fairtrade! If I need new things, I am allowed to search in charity shops, but as for me it's as much about frugal living as about not creating new waste I am going to try not to browse idly in charity shops. Accessories are allowed! Shoes are not allowed (this is the worst thing!!).
Ultimately though, I'm not going to go round in indecent clothes so if I need something I will get it from the high street, but last resort only...
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
10 years ago